A Letter From Bishop Robert Stearns

The Nexus was started by my mentor, Pastor Jack Hayford, and by the great Israeli General Shimon Erem. It served as a “meeting place” for relationships between Rabbis and Pastors in greater Los Angeles.

Before Pastor Jack’s passing, he shared with me his strong desire for this ministry to not only continue but to grow beyond the confines of LA. He then passed the leadership mantle on to me.

We are now, in a post October 7th world, in a moment where the Nexus is needed more than ever.

The Nexus equips pastors, social media influencers, and other Christian cultural leaders to integrate Israel into their leadership. This begins by offering scholarships to pastors for dynamic, life changing trips to Israel.

Then, the Nexus sustains Israel engagement through resources, events, and relationships, deepening an understanding of and connection to Israel and the Jewish people.

Though the Nexus began long before the Hamas attack on October 7th, 2023, the relaunch of this network is our response to rising global antisemitism, as well as the existential threat Israel faces through terrorism. Now is the time to engage!

If you are a pastor or leader, then this network is your answer for connecting to Israel.

Bishop Robert Stearns
President of the Israel Christian Nexus


“Yes, many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.”

The Israel Christian Nexus is a global network that equips pastors to integrate Israel into their leadership.

Through transformative trips, robust programming, and strategic partnerships, we are building a global movement of philosemitism, i.e. friendship with the Jewish people.

The following three actions are required to be a member in good standing of the Israel Christian Nexus:

Signing the Bonhoeffer Declaration.

Advocating for Israel’s wellbeing and security at least once per year via one of our many resources and events.

Adding Eagles’ Wings to your church’s or organization’s monthly missions budget.

Changing the Narrative, One Leader at a Time.